Reinsurance Company

Data Form


1a. Company Name:-
1b. Formerly known as(if applicable):-
2.   Type of Operation(if applicable):- 
3a. Address:-
3b. Telephone No.:-
3c. Facsimile No.:-
3d. Email:-
3e. Website:-

4a. Date Incorporated:-
4b. Country of Incorporation:

5. Substantial Shareholders (s): Please give name of ultimate owner or parent as well as that of any company or individual owning more than 10% of the share capital:

6a. Board of Directors/Commissioners/Supervisory Board (for local operations only please)
(Name and Position. eg. Mr Tan Chee Keong - President,CEO)

Show Email:

Show Email

6b. Senior Management (for local operations only please)
(Name, Position & Email. eg. Mr Tan Chee Keong - President,CEO -

Show Email:

Show Email

6c. Public Relations Manager (for local operations only please):
            Job Title:
            Tel No.:
            Facsimile No.:

7. Geographical Regions Served from this office:
    Country(ies)/Region(s) (eg. Worldwide,Indonesia,NE Asia,Europe, etc)

8. Please give names of Subsidiaries, Country located in, and Percentage of Ownership (if applicable):
( eg. Company Name - County Located - Percentage)

9a. Classes Written: (Please tick where appropriate)
General     Reinsurance  Treaty Facultative
                                    Accident Aviation Casualty Engineering Healthcare
                                    Marine Cargo Motor Alternative Risk Transfer  
                                    Bonds Energy Fire Liability
                                    Marine Hull Surety   Others

               Annuity    Endowment Group Life Healthcare Individual Life
                                    Investment -Linked  Personal Accident  

9b. Please list below top 5 (by gross premium), Classes of Business Written.
      Amount:      (specify if in '000 or '000'000, etc) 

    Top 5 Classes                Gross              As % of own           Share in local            Name of manager
    Written(eg Motor)        Premium          Total Premium             market(%)           in charge of that class

10. Key Financial Indicators: (for local operations only)
      Amount:     (specify if in '000 or '000'000, etc)

       Share Capital as at (date): (day/month/year)
       10a . Authorised capital:
       10b. Paid-up capital
       10c. Shareholders Fund

       Financial Year-End: (Month Only)

2024 (If available)
10d. Gross Premium  
10e. Net Premium        
10f. Underwriting Profit/(Loss)
10g. Technical Reserves
10h. Profit before tax
10i. Total Assets    
10j. Investment Income  
10k. Life Assurance Fund    
10l. Surplus of Life Assurance Fund ( for life companies)

II REGIONAL OPERATIONS ( if different from local office or if applicable)

11. List the countries in Asia in which your parent has offices (excluding office listed in Section I) ( No need for other details as they will be contacted sepatately);

12. Regional Office Name :

13a. Address

13b. Tel No.
13c. Facsimile No.
13d. Email:
13e. Website

14. Senior Management(of Regional Office Only) - Please give name, job title and email address (if applicable):
Name - Position - Email (eg - Mr Tan Chee Keong - President, CEO, Regional Manager -

Show Email:

Show Email


15. Corporate Headquarters Name:

16a. Address

16b. Tel No.
16c. Facsimile.
16d. Email.
16e. Website.

17. Group / Headquarters Ownership Structure:

18. Key Financial Indicators: (for headquarters / group operations only):

      Amount:       (specify if in '000 or '000'000, etc)

       Share Capital as at (date): (day/month/year)
       18a. Authorised capital:
       18b. Paid-up capital

        Financial Year-End: (Month Only)

2024; (If available)
18c. Gross Premium  
18d. Net Premium        
18e. Underwriting Profit/(Loss)
18f. Technical Reserves
18g. Profit before tax
18h. Total Assets    
18i. Investment Income
18j. Life Assurance Fund
18k. Surplus of Life Assurance Fund ( for life companies)

19. This questionaire has been completed by (print name and title) :

20 . Name of person to contact (if different from 19):

Yes, I understand & consent to publish the above data provided in the said directory
Submitted by Name