Insurance Directory of Asia 2025

The IDA 2025 is the one and only regional insurance directory in Asia covering 27 countries

It compiles the full list of your competitors in each market in Asia in one reference book, comprising contact information and details of 1,445 insurers and 176 reinsurers operating in major markets like Japan and China and in upcoming ones such as Mongolia and Myanmar.

Insurance Directory of Asia 2025

Company List

Pacific & Orient Insurance Co BerhadGeneral InsurerMalaysia
Pacific Cross Health Insurance PCLGeneral InsurerThailand
Pacific Cross Insurance, IncGeneral InsurerPhilippines
Pacific Health Insurance Co, LtdLife InsurerChina
Pacific Insurance Berhad, TheGeneral InsurerMalaysia
Pacific Insurance Company Limited, TheGeneral InsurerHong Kong
Pacific International Insurance Pty LtdGeneral InsurerAustralia
Pacific International Insurance Pty LtdGeneral InsurerNew Zealand
Pacific Life Assurance Company Limited, TheLife InsurerHong Kong
Pacific Life Insurance, PTLife InsurerIndonesia
Pacific Life Re International Limited, Japan Representative OfficeLife ReinsurerJapan
Pacific Life Re International Limited, Korea BranchLife ReinsurerSouth Korea
Pacific Life Re Limited, Shanghai Representative OfficeLife ReinsurerChina
Pacific MMI Insurance LtdComposite InsurerPapua New Guinea
Pacific Re LimitedGeneral ReinsurerPapua New Guinea